Do not get me wrong, senior year is a ton of fun. We are finally the "rulers" of the school and have those "rights" such as sitting in the back of the café that we have dreamed about since freshman year. We have less than a year left, then we are out of this place and on to bigger and better things. However, senior year isn't all fun and games.
On behalf of my fellow seniors, I think I can go ahead and say senior year is not as great as it is cut out to be. Not only do you have to deal with the stress of applying to colleges, universities, and programs but also the stress of waiting anxiously to hear back from these school and then the disappointing possibility of not getting accepted. There are also scholarships that a student must apply for as well, because we all have to face the fact that college is expensive. Then comes the decisions and boy can they be tough. Currently I am deciding between UMKC six year BA/MD program that I will not notified of my final acceptance until April and Quincy University to which I received a Presidential (full-ride) scholarship. Both are great schools, but are completely different. One of my task this week is to go through and create a pro/con list which I will share later.
Besides the stress of college there also comes a heavy course load. Well... depending on the classes you take I should say. Currently I am taking Spanish IV, Western Civilization, AP Physics, AP Calculus, Literature, and Religion. The first four are dual credit courses through Saint Louis University. The way I view is why not take the most difficult and challenging classes? So I guess I really cannot complain about the course load or being stress because of school because it was ultimately my decision. I must also add I am very well at managing my time. I have ten free periods in my schedule which really allows me to complete some of my homework at school, although I personal prefer to complete it at home. However, there are so many things I like to be involved with such as sports, clubs, volunteering, and school events so it is nice to have the opportunity to complete homework and studying during the free periods.
Finally, the worst part about senior year is how fast it goes by. Today it hit me that I have just a little over two and a half months left of school. How sad is that? I honestly love my school- although many of my friends cannot wait to get out. The memories and friends I have made at Rosati-Kain are something I will always treasure. This past weekend I attended my final Student Council hosted dance- Winter Dance. It was so bittersweet. Some of the final senior events I am looking forward to are mother daughter brunch, senior prayer day, spring break, prom of course, and finally senior night. My goal for the rest of this school year is to truly just cherish every event and the time I have left with my classmates and close friends because it honestly will be over in a blink of an eye.
In conclusion, senior year is a lot more stressful and anxious than you can prepare for, however, it is still a thrilling and great time. So make the most out of it with your friends, school, and even loved ones because you will be living a completely different life come this time next year. Treasure each and every moment and live each day to the fullest because there is no going back. Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote that describes how I plan on viewing these few months of high school I have left :
"I am so blessed with my life. I do not want this time of my life to end, I do not want to take anything for granted. I do not want to grow up or leave too fast, so I am just going to enjoy every minute of it" - Dakota Fanning
Emily Margaret
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