Friday, February 28, 2014

Memories of February

February went by so fast! It feels like it was yesterday that I was in Quincy with my family for my cousins shower, celebrating my Aunt Jenni's 50th birthday, and cheering on the seniors in their final swim meet. Other February events that are highlighted in the photo collages below include valentines day, roar week, Rosati-Kain winter dance and just time spend with my friends. Overall February was a fantastic month with jammed packed weekends. I went on three college interviews this month, attended three wedding showers for my cousin Aimee, traveled to Kansas City twice, visited my boyfriend in Columbia, spent the weekend at our family farm in Quincy, set up and cleaned up winter dance with stuco, shared countless laughs and car rides with my friends, and made memories with those I love. 

Since February is now over, and I plan on focusing on March and the upcoming months- especially my final months of high school. I hope you all had great Februarys as well!

Emily Margaret

Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Favorite Shows

In honor of Scandal and Grey's Anatomy retuning tonight, I thought I should post about my favorite tv shows. As I have mentioned before I do not watch that much tv, however when I do I tend to favor certain shows and that's about all I watch- unlike my brother who has watched 27 tv series completely. Luckily tonight, my two absolute favorite shows came back after taking breaks for the Olympic Games- Scandal & Grey's Anatomy. I won't spoil anything for those who haven't watched them yet, but they continued to entertain me. Now that Scandal & Grey's Anatomy are back on their regular Thursday night times I am going to have to manage my schedule and add two hours for these addicting shows- praise the lord for DVR though. Another show I enjoy watching with my mom is Revenge. Lastly, I have two go to shows that are off the air which are Sex and the City & Desperate Housewives. I know it's shocking that I am not into Pretty Little Liars, One Tree Hill, or Gossip Girl like many of my peers. What's your favorite TV show?

Emily Margaret 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Senior Year Isn't All Fun & Games

Do not get me wrong, senior year is a ton of fun. We are finally the "rulers" of the school and have those "rights" such as sitting in the back of the café that we have dreamed about since freshman year. We have less than a year left, then we are out of this place and on to bigger and better things. However, senior year isn't all fun and games.

On behalf of my fellow seniors, I think I can go ahead and say senior year is not as great as it is cut out to be. Not only do you have to deal with the stress of applying to colleges, universities, and programs but also the stress of waiting anxiously to hear back from these school and then the disappointing possibility of not getting accepted. There are also scholarships that a student must apply for as well, because we all have to face the fact that college is expensive. Then comes the decisions and boy can they be tough. Currently I am deciding between  UMKC six year BA/MD program that I will not notified of my final acceptance until April and Quincy University to which I received a Presidential (full-ride) scholarship. Both are great schools, but are completely different. One of my task this week is to go through and create a pro/con list which I will share later.

Besides the stress of college there also comes a heavy course load. Well... depending on the classes you take I should say. Currently I am taking Spanish IV, Western Civilization, AP Physics, AP Calculus, Literature, and Religion. The first four are dual credit courses through Saint Louis University. The way I view is why not take the most difficult and challenging classes? So I guess I really cannot complain about the course load or being stress because of school because it was ultimately my decision. I must also add I am very well at managing my time. I have ten free periods in my schedule which really allows me to complete some of my homework at school, although I personal prefer to complete it at home. However, there are so many things I like to be involved with such as sports, clubs, volunteering, and school events so it is nice to have the opportunity to complete homework and studying during the free periods.

Finally, the worst part about senior year is how fast it goes by. Today it hit me that I have just a little over two and a half months left of school. How sad is that? I honestly love my school- although many of my friends cannot wait to get out. The memories and friends I have made at Rosati-Kain are something I will always treasure. This past weekend I attended my final Student Council hosted dance- Winter Dance. It was so bittersweet. Some of the final senior events I am looking forward to are mother daughter brunch, senior prayer day, spring break, prom of course, and finally senior night. My goal for the rest of this school year is to truly just cherish every event and the time I have left with my classmates and close friends because it honestly will be over in a blink of an eye.

In conclusion, senior year is a lot more stressful and anxious than you can prepare for, however, it is still a thrilling and great time. So make the most out of it with your friends, school, and even loved ones because you will be living a completely different life come this time next year. Treasure each and every moment and live each day to the fullest because there is no going back. Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote that describes how I plan on viewing these few months of high school I have left :
 "I am so blessed with my life. I do not want this time of my life to end, I do not want to take anything for granted. I do not want to grow up or leave too fast, so I am just going to enjoy every minute of it" - Dakota Fanning
Emily Margaret

Monday, February 24, 2014

Much Needed Stress Relief

After a weekend filled with setting and cleaning up for a dance, hanging out with friends, visiting my boyfriend in Columbia, traveling to Kansas City with my parents, and to top it off an intense Monday filled with interviews, test taking, and stress what is the first thing I do when I come home? No not homework, not sleep... blog. Am I becoming that girl? Honestly no, I just don't feel like doing homework my brain is fried, and I don't feel like going to bed because I just can never fall asleep early. So instead, I am sitting hear watching Scandal (wooohoo comes back on Thursday!), drinking apple cranberry tea, and creating new blog post.

One of the best ways I deal with stress and how I relax is honestly by keeping myself busy, as weird as that sounds. I hate just sitting there doing nothing, I am a huge multitasker. I feel so guilty just sitting there watching tv doing nothing, instead I have to be working on a craft, project, or blogging. I also like to drink tea or any drink really- coffee, smoothies, slushies, hot chocolate. So that is what I find myself doing now. Watching tv, drinking tea, and blogging is helping me get rid of the stress I accumulated from this weekend, especially this interview day.

Today, I woke up at 5:45 am to get ready and eat breakfast before my interview. I had to check in at 7:15 and the campus was approximately 15 minutes away from my hotel. Although I had prepared somewhat for the interview day by studying chemistry and medical school interview topics, I was still very intimidated. It was a very formal and professional event. I had a strict schedule to follow which included informative sessions, meetings with admissions and students, an assessment exam and of course the interviews. UMKC school of medicine interviews are based on the MMI (multiple mini interview) system. So how that worked, is that I went into a room with ten other students and inside the room there were 20 certain off stations- 10 prep stations and 10 interviewing/discussion stations. I had two minutes to read an scenario and eight minutes to discuss the scenario with the interviewer then answer any questions I was present with. The scenarios and questions asked were nothing anyone could expect. One of the hardest parts was trying to keep a discussion for eight minutes because it is better to talk the entire time instead of have them fill time with questions or have the interviewer send you back to your prep station.  The time went by fast and it was intense. After five stations we had a break and some of the students were about to break down. However I just tried to smile and remain focused. I was so relieved after the day was over finally, all I wanted to do was go out to dinner with my parents. There was so much tension and stress present throughout the day from all of the students, I also felt very intimated because I was definitely a minority there and because I was interviewing for such a prestigious program. I was so glad to get into the car after with fresh Topsy's popcorn (my favorite food) waiting for me. I was even offered a beer (root beer of course) by my dad. Overall I think the day was a great experience and no matter what the outcome is I am happy with how it went. Ultimately I am left with some tough decisions, but I am just proud I was one of the 300 students who was offered an interview from the 1500 who applied.

I should probably attempt to complete some homework or get some sleep now that my stress is gone!
Emily Margaret

Saturday, February 22, 2014

College Interview Prep

As many of you know, I have attended several college interviews this past month. Monday, I am interviewing with UMKC School of Medicine for their 6 year BS/MD program. In order to do well in an interview in general, you must prepare for it. Preparing for an interview not only expands your knowledge of yourself and the school you are interested in, but it also boost your confidence and helps calm your nerves on the day your interview is scheduled for.

So, here are my tips and tricks for college interview prep:

1. Talk to your guidance counselor!
 Not only will he or she be able to give you some tips and notes from other students' past experiences, but he or she will also provide you with reading supplements for interviewing, as well as help you practice with a mock interview.

2. Do your research!
Do some background research on the school you are interviewing at. Pay close attention to their mission, values, history and core statement. If you are interviewing for a specific program, do your research on that as well.

3. Find some practice questions!
There are mock interview questions all over the web. Look up some questions and be able to answer those questions well. However, do not be surprised when they throw in some curve balls. In general be able to answer: Tell me about yourself? What is your biggest weakness/strength? Why do you want to attend our university? Who is your role model? What do you enjoy? What do you plan on going in your life? BUT REMEMBER THEY CAN ASK ANYTHING. When answering questions include anything that will set you apart from the other students, such as being a president of a club or winning this award and such.

4. Always have a question prepared to ask them!
And not just any question you can find the answer to online, like how big is your student body? Some questions I asked at my interviews were: How do freshman get involved with research? Do your students ever go on mission trips? How many students study abroad? What is the best thing students gain from attending your school?

5. The general rules!
Smile, sit up straight, shake their hand before and after, say "nice you meet you, how are you","thank you so much for you time", make eye contact, do not fidget in your chair or hair or fingers, and do not watch the clock for time. Try to avoid words like: ummm, like, and any slang words. Try to find something that will put you on the same level as the interviewer. For example, I had a chemistry professor and I had a great conversation with her about their pre-medicine program and research opportunities; or I had a priest as my interviewer so I had a conversation with him about how students get involved with service. Also take a few seconds to think about what you are going to say before you answer your question, this helps you avoid rambling.

6. What to wear!
It is better to overdress then to under dress, but most importantly look "put together." To my interviews I wore black dress pants, a matching black blazer, a nice (modest) dress shirt, a black patent belt, and black patent flats. Always wear flats! The interview day normally consist of more than just interviews. It usually includes information sessions, a lunch/reception, and tours as well. It can be an all day affair so you will want to be comfortable! Also, remember to iron you clothes and clean any scuffs off of your shoes the night before. As for hair, I always wear mine down and straightened with my layers curving my face. However, if you are someone who is easily distracted by your hair and will be tempted to play with it- don't be afraid to pull it back. Wear light make-up, subtle jewelry-a watch, soft smelling perfume, and make sure your nails are clean and free of chipping nail polish (avoid wearing any bright nail polish).

7. The day of the interview!
Wake up early enough so you are not rushed. Pack in your purse some light make-up to touch up, mints, hair frizz control, and your notes so you can prepare as you wait. Get to your interview early but not before the scheduled arriving time. Stay focused and calm, people will honestly be judging you all day- so don't snooze during information sessions or roll your eyes are the obnoxious girl next to you. There will probably be other high school students there, you can talk to them but remember that you may not even see them after today, it is better to talk to the university's staff members and students. These individuals will be able to answer any last minute questions and possible be able to provide you with some very help tips and insight. Try to find your admissions counselor and talk to him or her as well. Remember to not be afraid to ask questions and always be polite and thankful! One thing that can really set you apart is writing a thank you note. I bring blank, plain thank you cards with me so on the car ride home I can hand write thank you notes to those who interviewed me as well as the general admissions staff of the school, that way when I get home I can mail them asap.

Here are some links that maybe useful for those preparing to interview:

If you have any questions or need any help, let me know! Wish me luck for Monday!
Emily Margaret

Senior Quote Ideas

Next week I have to submit my senior quote for the yearbook. Seniors are required to submit three of their favorite quotes that are inspirational or have a special meaning to her. As the deadline of February 28 quickly approaches, I begin to think of quotes to submit and I thought I should share them with you all.

Here are some of the quotes I have found to be inspirational or have a special meaning to me:

1. “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done”
-Thomas Jefferson
2. “I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.”
–Audrey Hepburn
3. “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
-C.S. Lewis

4. “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
–Audrey Hepburn 
5. “Promise me you will always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
-Christopher Robin

6. “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”
-Helen Keller
7. “The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.”
-The Lion King
8. “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
 –Audrey Hepburn
9. "Be yourself, because that's the only thing everyone else can't be"
10. “I believe in pink. I believe in being strong when everything else seems to be going wrong. I believe in Happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
–Audrey Hepburn

Let me know what you think!
Emily Margaret

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Follow Me on Instagram!

In addition to my Google blogger blog, I am also starting an Instagram Blog. I plan on posting more pictures and everyday life fun on the Instagram blog then I would on this one. My Instagram will keep the same theme as this blog so if you enjoy following me on here be sure to check out my Instagram. I am hoping to also start a new Pinterest as well!

Find me on Instagram:

You can also click on the image to the left under "Follow Me on Instagram"

Emily Margaret

Happy (Late) Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Oops! I forgot to post on Valentine's Day! Valentine's day should really be a week long celebration because there is so much love to be share and spread- the world could really use some more love. Anyway, I decided who really cares if I post five days late so..

Five Things I Love About Valentine's Day:
1. Pink of course!
As you should know, pink is my most favorite color.

2. Love!
Valentine's day is truly all about love, weather you are single or not. Everyone has someone in her life who loves her for who she is be it a mother, father, friends, siblings, or significant other. It is a great day to show those you love and those who love you how much you love and appreciate them.

3. Making fun valentines!
This year I bough tiny pink paper bags, filled them with goodies, inserted personal cards, closed  them with a fold and pink washi tape and lastly- monogramed them. I love seeing how much joy people receive from even the tiny notes and candy I gave out.

4. Roses!
I love when my parents or boyfriend give me flowers- especially roses weather they are white, pink or red I like them all. This year I was lucky enough to receive flowers from both my father & younger brother as well as my boyfriend.

5. Sweet Treats!
Chocolate covered strawberries, heart shaped gooey butter cake, white chocolate pretzels, red heart suckers and tons of milk chocolate kisses! Need I say any more!

I hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day filled with love like I did!
Emily Margaret

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Roar Week

Every year my high school host an annual spirit week and a mission week. However, this year we combined the two very exciting weeks and created ROAR Week. Each day we dressed down for themes- Baby Day, Outdoors Day, & Throwback Thursday. We missed one day due to the snow and on Friday I had to miss our annual senior teacher volleyball game and Purple and Gold day due to college interviews. The organization that Service Club chose was St. Louis Crisis Nursery and we raise over $2000 through apparel sales, basket raffles, karaoke, and penny wars as well as donations of baby supplies, canned goods, and children clothes. Way to go KOUGARS! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Brrrr... It's cold!

I am not liking this "brass monkey" or frigid weather today. After my half day of school due to the snowy weather, I came home slipped into my leggings and oversize sweater and gathered some of my snow day necessities.... Uggs, knitted leg warmers, a vanilla candle, a cozy blanket, hot tea, and of course- my iPad!  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Yet Another Rainy Day

I refuse to let this nasty weather ruin my day. Like most, when it's wet, cold, and cloudy outside I would much rather mope around with my comfy sweatpants and oversize fleece sweater. But nothing makes a day better then a good outfit. So, my outfit of the day consisted of black gloss Hunter rain boots, Express dark wash skinnies, a Ralph Lauren cream cable knit sweater, and a black J.Crew vest. However, when I went out for a Super Bowl party at my aunt and uncle's house I wore a black cowl neck cotton shirt and a monogram gold necklace. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rainy Days Call for Coffee

There is nothing better than a hot, extra foamy cappuccino to warm you up on a icky, rainy day.